Thursday, February 24, 2022

Change of Plans for the End of Year Party



There is a change of plans for the "End of Season" tailgate!  

Due to several racers out of town this Saturday, we have decided to reschedule.

STMS Ski Club "End of Season" Celebration will be:

Monday,  February 28th,   6:00-8:00 PM.

Idaho Pizza Company, Eagle 

We will receive our Team Championship Trophy , hand out awards, team T-shirts!

Return your team Ski Jerseys= GET A COOL PRIZE!

Please RSVP Kurt 208-859-7070  by Sunday at 5:00 

So that we can get an accurate number for ordering pizza!

Families are welcome to join us but, plan to order your own food and beverages!

Thanks for a great season !!

**Keep Thinking Snow **


Leslie & Kurt