STMS Snow Club, Good Job Saturday--Race Number #4
Two more races to go (19 days!) before Dotty Clark!
We earned10th Place, not great, half the team was missing, yet the racers who were able to make it, did extremely well! Huge advance on racers speed and technique, by far outweighs any placement! You guys are amazing!!
Thank you to the Bias Family! the tailgate was appreciated, a roaring bon fire and grilled chicken! Blue bird day! We had kids shred with their teammates, made new friends and found their way around the mountain!
Big Thanks to the Wells Family tonight for tackling the concessions stand! We truly love and appreciate our families helping out! This week we have the St. Lukes's helmet decorating contest- the helmet is in the front office window!
Let's look forward to some fresh powder this weekend!
Ski ya soon!